Ronnie Quintarelli ロニー・クインタレッリ
国籍 | イタリア |
生年月日 | 1979年8月9日 |
出身地 | イタリア・ヴェローナ |
会話 | イタリア語・英語・日本語 |
身長 | 173㎝ |
体重 | 65㎏ |
血液型 | A |
Media Contents
2005年は「SUPER GT」に参戦。同シーズン半ばには「フォーミュラ・ニッポン」参戦を果たす。
2008年からはニッサン契約ドライバーとして「SUPER GT」にフル参戦し、その年の第7戦には注目の新型NISSAN GT-Rで優勝を飾る。
2011年には「SUPER GT」シリーズチャンピオンを獲得、翌2012年に2年連続でチャンピオンとなり、同チーム同パートナーでのV2獲得というシリーズ史上初となる偉業を成し遂げた。
2014年には3度目、2015年には4度目となるシリーズチャンピオンを獲得、SUPER GT GT500クラスで史上最多タイトルを手にする。
2016年6月、長年にわたる日本でのレース活動およびSUPER GTでのシリーズチャンピオン4度獲得の功績と、東日本大震災後の東北地方における継続したボランティア活動が高く評価され、イタリア共和国より連帯の星勲章「ウッフィチャーレ」章を受章。
Ronnie Quintarelli met his first motorsports at age 6 when his father gave him a small go-kart.
He participated in his first race in 1990 as soon as he turned 10 years old because his age was ineligible for entry.
He had built up his career in go-kart races for 9 years since then, winning many national and international championships.
In 2000, Quintarelli made his Formula debut at the Italian Formula Renault 2000 and had competed many races based in Europe until 2002.
Then he moved to Japan to compete in Japanese Formula3 Championship in 2003, and the next year in 2004, he became the series champion.
He started to compete in SUPER GT in 2005 and in Formula NIPPON from the middle of 2005 season.
Quintarelli won his first victory for Formula NIPPON at the 4th round in 2007, that was his 3rd year of Formula Nippon career.
From 2008, he all participates in “SUPER GT” as a Nissan contract driver, and will decorate the 7th round of the year with a first victory by new model NISSAN GT-R.
In 2011, Quintarelli became a SUPER GT series champion and next year in 2012, he won for two years in a row the SUPER GT championship as Nissan racing driver.
This achievement has been the first in history of series called V2 by the same team and same partners was attained.
After moving to the NISMO works team in 2013 season, driving for the prestigious car number #23,
Quintarelli won his third e fourth SUPER GT titles in 2014 and 2015 seasons, becoming the most titled driver of the SUPER GT series.
On June 22, 2016, Quintarelli has awarded “Ufficiale” by the President Sergio Mattarella of Republic of Italy as he has been recognized of his success of Japanese Motorsports career in the SUPER GT GT500 four titles and his volunteer activity “Italians for TOHOKU” supporting the East Japan earthquake victims.
Now, his career has been based on Japan as a racing driver.
Moreover, he has worked on Motorsport promotion and encouragement of the young talented drivers, and directed power towards the volunteer activities etc.
On private, Ronnie Quintarelli has married to Japanese wife named Emi in 2008, and now he is a father of two kids, Luna and Leo.